Abstract contract representing a worker in the Transshipment system. It includes functionality from CCIPReceiver, OwnerIsCreator, and ITransshipmentStructures.
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Abstract contract representing a worker in the Transshipment system. It includes functionality from CCIPReceiver, OwnerIsCreator, and ITransshipmentStructures.
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@notice Constructor initializes the contract with the router address. @param _router The address of the router contract. @param _link The address of the link contract.
@dev Modifier to allow only the contract itself to execute a function. Throws an exception if called by any account other than the contract itself.
@dev Modifier that checks if the chain with the given destinationChainSelector is allowlisted. @param _destinationChainSelector The selector of the destination chain.
@dev Modifier that checks if the chain with the given sourceChainSelector is allowlisted and if the sender is allowlisted. @param _sourceChainSelector The selector of the destination chain. @param _sender The address of the sender.
@dev Updates the allowlist status of a destination chain for transactions. @notice This function can only be called by the owner. @param _destinationChainSelector The selector of the destination chain to be updated. @param allowed The allowlist status to be set for the destination chain.
@dev Updates the allowlist status of a source chain @notice This function can only be called by the owner. @param _sourceChainSelector The selector of the source chain to be updated. @param allowed The allowlist status to be set for the source chain.
@dev Updates the allowlist status of a sender for transactions. @notice This function can only be called by the owner. @param _sender The address of the sender to be updated. @param allowed The allowlist status to be set for the sender.
@notice Sends data and transfer tokens to receiver on the destination chain. @notice Pay for fees in LINK. @dev Assumes your contract has sufficient LINK to pay for CCIP fees. @return messageId The ID of the CCIP message that was sent.
@notice The entrypoint for the CCIP router to call. This function should never revert, all errors should be handled internally in this contract. @param any2EvmMessage The message to process. @dev Extremely important to ensure only router calls this.
Retrieves the IDs of failed messages from the s_failedMessages
Iterates over the s_failedMessages
map, collecting all keys.
Return Values
An array of bytes32 containing the IDs of failed messages from the s_failedMessages
@notice Serves as the entry point for this contract to process incoming messages. @param any2EvmMessage Received CCIP message. @dev Transfers specified token amounts to the owner of this contract. This function must be external because of the try/catch for error handling. It uses the onlySelf
: can only be called from the contract.
Allows the owner to retry a failed message in order to unblock the associated tokens.
This function is only callable by the contract owner. It changes the status of the message from 'failed' to 'resolved' to prevent reentry and multiple retries of the same message.
The unique identifier of the failed message.
The address to which the tokens will be sent.
Internal function to handle the reception of CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol) messages. This function is marked as virtual and must be implemented by the inheriting contract.
struct Client.Any2EVMMessage
The CCIP message structure containing information about the message. Specifically, the sender's chain, sender's address, message data, etc. Refer to the Client.Any2EVMMessage struct for details. Requirements: - The function must be implemented by the inheriting contract to handle the logic for processing CCIP messages. - Only addresses allowed by the onlyAllowlisted
modifier are permitted to call this function. - The function should process the CCIP message and execute any necessary actions based on the message content.
Construct a CCIP message.
This function will create an EVM2AnyMessage struct with all the necessary information for programmable tokens transfer.
The address of the receiver.
The string data to be sent.
The token to be transferred.
The amount of the token to be transferred.
The address of the token used for fees. Set address(0) for native gas.
Gas limit for destination chain.
Return Values
struct Client.EVM2AnyMessage
Client.EVM2AnyMessage Returns an EVM2AnyMessage struct which contains information for sending a CCIP message.
Fallback function to allow the contract to receive Ether.
This function has no function body, making it a default function for receiving Ether. It is automatically called when Ether is sent to the contract without any data.
@notice Allows the contract owner to withdraw the entire balance of Ether from the contract. @dev This function reverts if there are no funds to withdraw or if the transfer fails. It should only be callable by the owner of the contract. @param _beneficiary The address to which the Ether should be sent.
Allows the owner of the contract to withdraw all tokens of a specific ERC20 token.
This function reverts with a 'NothingToWithdraw' error if there are no tokens to withdraw.
The address to which the tokens will be sent.
The contract address of the ERC20 token to be withdrawn.
Executes multiple calls in a batch.
struct ITransshipmentStructures.CallData[]
Array of CallData structures to execute.
Return Values
success True if all calls succeed, false otherwise.
Executes a single call.
struct ITransshipmentStructures.CallData
The CallData structure containing target, value, and data.
Return Values
The result of the call.
Checks if a bytes array is empty.
The bytes array to check.
Return Values
True if the bytes array is empty, false otherwise.
Appends an address to a bytes array.
The address to append.
The bytes array to which the address is appended.
Return Values
result The new bytes array with the address appended.
Extracts an address and data from a combined bytes array.
The combined bytes array containing an address and data.
Return Values
addr The extracted address.
data The extracted data.